Monday, August 06, 2001

I think the IS people are laughing at me. Or at least I know they are giggling everytime they catch a glimpse of me. And that's pretty often considering they have to walk by me to get to the bathroom, watercooler, door etc. It all started last week when I was deleted from "the system." After my favorite IS guy (and his whole family?) tinkered around they told me to try again in an hour. I followed these instructions and one hour later my e-mail worked but all of my in-box, out-box and addresses were gone. When I went back to IS to inquire about retrival they told me that my stuff was "Gone... Forever!" At which point the other IS people (his family members?) bagan to giggle. I just started laughing myself. It was so ridulous and typical and I didn't even care that much. Its what you expect around here. Not much besides the humor.